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Fungi are the key to saving Earth and improving our quality of life…
Fungi are the literal heart of life on the planet and with them lies the solution to humanity’s major problems today: pollution, hunger, climate change, resource with myriad uses to meet our needs. They’re also a major but barely tapped employment opportunity,

Fungi are integral to good soil health, benefit the environment in many ways. Furthermore, certain species of fungi can effectively break down various pollutions such as petroleum spills, PCBs and pesticides. Fungi can be utilized to literally eat plastics, cigarette butts and other forms of pollution.

Mushrooms are a versatile, delicious and nutritious ingredient used in many cuisines around the world. They can be cooked, sautéed, roasted, grilled. Mushrooms can also be used as an alternative to meat in recipes, providing umami flavor and a meaty texture with much less fat than traditional meats.

Fungi and mycelium-based products offer a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to traditional materials and can be used to create everything from textiles and packaging to furniture, building materials, cosmetics and medicines: 1) Textiles; 2) Packaging; 3) Furniture; 4) Building Materials; 5) Cosmetics; 6) Medicines; 7) Alternative Materials.

Mushroom supplements offer an array of nutrients and health benefits that can be beneficial to a person’s overall well-being. Mushrooms are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, and fiber that help boost immunity and provide essential nutrition for the body.
They also have phytonutrients like beta-glucans which have anti-inflammatory effects.
Mycelium is the network of the branching filaments known as hyphae, produced by many but not all species of fungi. Such networks extend in myriad places, including soil. The mycelia of many kinds of fungi species produce mushrooms which are their spore-bearing fruit.
Fungi are the conduit between minerals, plants and animals. They digest materials that animals and plants wouldn’t be able to assimilate on their own such as such as rocks, logs, and even petroleum and produce nutrients in forms that plants, bugs and other living things can digest.
Mycelium networks in forests provide nutrients to trees in exchange for sugars that trees produce. They also distribute nutrients between trees according to their needs and even serve as communication networks between trees.
In a study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, researchers investigated the role that mycelium networks play in forests. They found that these networks provide essential nutrients to trees in exchange for sugars they produce and can even distribute those nutrients between trees according to their needs. Additionally, they discovered that mycelia serve as communication networks between different species of tree. The results showed that fungi are integral components of healthy forest ecosystems and play an important role in providing essential nutrients for plants and animals alike.